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Reading and Rambling

I am a single mom who spends all my free time reading to escape the craziness of real life.  Everything I read features hot men loving other hot men, probably due to the lack of hot men in my own life.  I recently tried my hand at the writing game.  My first short, Risking the Field, will be hitting the public this summer thanks to the Don't Read in the Closet event held every year by the M/M Romance Group on Goodreads.  I write under the name Jean McGray, an hommage to my grandfather and my high school nickname.


Seduced - Melody Anne 3 hours from beginning to end. I couldn't stop. I'll be dead on my feet tomorrow, but it was worth it! I loved Seduced. The intertwining of the stories was wonderful and Ari and Rafe's interactions lit fires and brought tears to my eyes. I can't wait until book four! I have been seduced, submitted, and surrendered.