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Reading and Rambling

I am a single mom who spends all my free time reading to escape the craziness of real life.  Everything I read features hot men loving other hot men, probably due to the lack of hot men in my own life.  I recently tried my hand at the writing game.  My first short, Risking the Field, will be hitting the public this summer thanks to the Don't Read in the Closet event held every year by the M/M Romance Group on Goodreads.  I write under the name Jean McGray, an hommage to my grandfather and my high school nickname.

Afflicted II

Afflicted II - Brandon Shire This was a great follow-up to [b:Afflicted|15927486|Afflicted (Afflicted, #1)|Brandon Shire|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1346380275s/15927486.jpg|21678151]. Dillon has left the escort business behind and started a new life with Hunter. But their new happiness is short-lived because Dillon's past with his family and Hunter's lingering insecurities threaten what they have built. These two are hot together! And so sweet. I love how they work together. I don't know why I waited so long to read the sequel!