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Reading and Rambling

I am a single mom who spends all my free time reading to escape the craziness of real life.  Everything I read features hot men loving other hot men, probably due to the lack of hot men in my own life.  I recently tried my hand at the writing game.  My first short, Risking the Field, will be hitting the public this summer thanks to the Don't Read in the Closet event held every year by the M/M Romance Group on Goodreads.  I write under the name Jean McGray, an hommage to my grandfather and my high school nickname.

The Adventures of Cole and Perry

The Adventures of Cole and Perry - Amanda C. Stone I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

This was a funny jaunt into the lives of Cole and Perry. The six short stories follow them from their two year anniversary until their wedding day. I was actually surprised at how much emotion and love was packed into such a short, face-paced book. The funny twists were unexpected and great. I would actually love to read more about Cole and Perry! They were funny and engaging characters!